What is a qualifier?

The qualifier is a series of three workouts that can be done on different days. The qualifier WODs are announced via:

1. The website https://www.thedutchthrowdown.nl

2. The Facebook and Instagram of The Dutch Throwdown

3. Competition Corner

Athletes have to complete and film all workouts and enter his / her scores in Competition Corner to be included in the ranking.

The best athletes of all divisions will receive an invitation for the The Dutch Throwdown finals.

Where can I register for The Dutch Throwdown?

Each athlete must register via www.competitioncorner.net.

What are the categories?

3here are 4 different categories for which you can register:

‘Scaled’ – You have never done a competition before at any level. You are new to the olympic lifts, can’t do kipping pull-ups yet. Scaled WODs will have for example single unders, ring rows, knee/leg raises and a workoutweight of 40/25 kg.

 ‘Advanced’ – You may have done a Scaled competition before, but not advanced/rx/elite. You know the olympic lifts a bit, can do kipping pull-ups, t2b but not yet muscle ups/hspu. Advanced WODs will have for example double unders, pullups, toes to bar, and a workoutweight of 60/40 kg for cleans or deadlifts.

 ‘RX’  – You may have done a Scaled or Advanced competition before, but not elite. You can do almost everything, maybe no muscle ups or handstand walk yet. RX WODs will have for example double unders, chest to bar pullups, handstand pushups, and a workoutweight of 60/35 kg for snatches and clean & jerks.

What conditions must you meet as an athlete?

Any athlete with a minimum age of 6 years can participate in The Dutch Throwdown, provided he / she has never been placed before national and international tournaments, individual and / or team, such as Lowlands Throwdown, Beach Throwdown, Belgium Throwdown (elite divsion) etc. Are you not sure about your case? Mail to info@thedutchthrowdown.nl and the organization will help you out.

If you qualified for the main event at The Dutch Throwdown last year, you have to participate in a higher division this year! So scaled -> advanced, advanced -> Rx and Rx can unfortunately no longer participate.

All athletes have to go through the qualifier to eventually participate in the main event The Dutch Throwdown. All Workouts must be filmed and also logged. The organization of The Dutch Throwdown reserves the right to exclude athletes from the main event without giving any reason. The organization also has the right to validate scores or declare them invalid. The Organization has the right to disqualify significant scores that deviate from the average of the event.

What does a qualifier workout look like?

For all workouts, these are released by The Dutch Throwdown and are communicated online to the athletes. The workouts will contain the following:

1. The movements

2. Start and end position of the movement

3. Permitted techniques, accessories and / or equipment

4. The number of repetitions

5. Required materials and / or weights

6. Timecap or time limit

7. Details about scoring

8. Film regulations

How do I submit my scores?

Judging and entering scores are required to make every workout official. You are responsible for the ‘movement and workout standards’. It is the responsibility of the athlete to enter his / her scores in competitioncorner in time and to make videos of his / her workout. Scores or videos that are not fully entered will not be accepted. The organization of The Dutch Throwdown reserves the right to request random videos from athletes.

How does the penalty protocol work?

There are four outcome measures for the requested videos:

1. Good video – the athlete achieves the prescribed movement standards during each repetition during the workout and the score that is entered is correct. The score is accepted.

2. Valid with a small penalty – the athlete shows 1 to 2 ‘no reps’ over the entire video, which of the entered score are collected. When the score is displayed in time, this time is corrected proportionally.

3. Valid with a big penalty – the athlete shows 3 to 4 ‘no reps’ throughout the video. In this case 15% of the final score is collected. When the score is displayed in time, this time is corrected proportionally.

4. Invalid – the athlete can not do the prescribed workout according to the movement standards, a significant and unacceptable number of repetitions ‘no reps’ or the video does not comply with the film regulations. The athlete’s score is refused in this case. The athlete can deliver a new video within current terms.

5. Uploading the youtube workout you have to upload with a hidden link. This related to rights of such as music.

Where can I see the official leaderboard?

Competition Corner hosts the official Leaderboard for The Dutch Throwdown. Scores are visible after the deadline. but are only official when the organization has assessed them and made the leaderboard official.

How many athletes will go to the finals?

We do everything we can to let all the kids from age 6 to 12 be part of the finals… however, if there are too many kids who signed up, we will make a cut based on scores.

The exact number of athletes who are advancing to the finals will be communicated on the ‘finals’ page. This will be based on the total number of registrations in each category.

What to do if my bank isn't supported by Competition Corner?

If you cannot pay with a credit card, you can still pay with Bank contant, Sofort, Pay Pal or via bank. Please contact us via info@thedutchthrowdown.nl

Individual Qualifier - WOD 1

Q: Can I rest the kettlebell on top of the box during the set?
A: No your kettlebell is never allowed to be placed on top of the box.
Q: How high do I need to swing the kettlebell? Above eye or shoulder level?
A: You have to swing above shoulder level, but if you swing it above eye level you’ll always be safe.

Individual Qualifier - WOD 2

Q: Can I lift the dumbbells from between my legs?
A: Yes you can lift the dumbbell from between the legs.
Q: Do I need to alternate the dumbbell in the Single Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift?
A: No you don’t have to alternate the dumbbell. You can perform it just like the dual dumbbell deadlift but with just one dumbbell.
Q: Can I perform the (Dual) Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift in Sumo Style?
A: No you can not. The dumbbells need to be on the side of your body. A Sumo Deadlift is NEVER allowed unless stated otherwise.

Individual Qualifier - WOD 3

Q: Can I touch & go the barbell in the deadlift?
A: Yes of course you can. But beware, you can’t bounce the bar.
Q: Can I do regular Toes to Bar in Advanced instead of the Single Leg version?
A: No you have to perform the Single Leg Alternating Toes to Bar.


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